Nicole Kidman is front and center in Harper’s Bazaar February 2011 issue.
On hoping and praying to find someone like husband Keith Urban: “I remember thinking, Oh, my God, if you ever gave me a man like that, I promise I would be completely devoted for the rest of my life. Something that wild. I remembered praying after I met him that I’d meet somebody, if not him, like him.”
On family versus a career: “I like to ask people if they would rather have a great love that lasts a lifetime or an amazing career where you go down in history. Some people do answer that they want an extraordinary career.” FYI: Both Nicole and Jennifer said they would choose love!
On motherhood: “I had kids at 25 and 27 [Isabella and Connor, Nicole’s adopted children with first husband Tom Cruise]. I think I have more patience now but less physical energy. It’s a trade-off: In your 20s, you’re bounding around, they’re attached at your hip, and you can just go and do anything. But I’m much more of a homebody now. My roots are deeper.”
On what she would tell her 20-year-old self: “That you’re going to meet the love of your life. My whole thing, my whole thrust in life, was hoping I would.”
On moving to Nashville: “I love living a ways away. That’s what I’ve worked for in my career, to not have to live in Los Angeles. So it was fortuitous that Keith happened to live in Tennessee. He brought me down to this place called Leipers Fork, just outside of Nashville, very lush and rural. I just went aaah. You know how you dream as a girl; I’m one of those people. I would meet a guy, then I would imagine myself married and with kids within the first hour. [Laughs] But it worked out.”
